Thursday, 27 February 2014

Highlights footage from the League to Dubai finals

Arabian Golf TV has published a highlights package from our Grand Final Experience in Dubai. Enjoy!


I had heard about 'the plateau' with regards to your golf improvement and initially thought "a couple of weeks without improvement won't be too hard to deal with".....

Well it's been since November now and I'm starting to get a bit desperate!

I bought a series of six lessons from Paul Thomas at the start of winter with the intention of having one lesson each month and continuing my improvement towards single figures. Fail!
I've worked every second weekend, had only two lessons (the last was this week), failed to improve my handicap (gone from 11.3 to 11.9) and have still only shot under 80 once.

I'm still super excited about golf, I still believe I can reach the level of golf I have set for myself and I'm still aiming for and working towards the same goals. No significant improvement over the last 3-4 months is just a touch frustrating.

The last lesson I had felt like a bit of a breakthrough. My hunched posture had been making it very hard for my arms to stay connected to my body. We worked on fixing that and the results right through the bag are very encouraging! My over-the-top pull isn't as severe and the new posture will give us the foundation to shape way shots the way I want them.

I'm looking forward to reporting some positive progress in the not too distant future!