Saturday, 1 December 2012

Wales V Australia International Scramble 01/12/2012

Frosty and nippy start to the day today for my first comp in a couple of weeks. It was a scramble with a shotgun start at 930 so that we could be done with plenty of time to make sure that the Rugby could be watched.
I was teamed up with Steve and Steve and fortunately, they both had their short games with them, I'd left mine in the car!
My driver was working OK today and I managed a few nice drives with the highlight of my day being my drive to the dogleg par 4 6th hole's green! I was a very excited australian after that! It resulted in one of our two birdies for the day.
I'm not sure of the result, but fairly sure we didn't win. Not enough birdies in that format (Greensomes/betterball??). Still had a great day and don't think I will have troubled my handicap.


Next weekend is a stableford comp again.

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