Thursday, 21 August 2014

New piece of golf-nerd kit on its way!!

In my quest to improve my golf I have tried to collect stats using a few different 'systems'. I made my own spreadsheet (last time I entered anything into that was at least 9 months ago!), I've tried to input shots on HowDidIDo after P&K finally upload the rounds and overall, I've failed dismally. I still don't have a good idea of how far I hit each club, what areas of my game are costing me the most shots (I suspect it is my driving and approach shots as I'm the most grumpy with them!) or which parts of my game are the best.

The GAME GOLF system should arrive in the next couple of days and I'm looking forward to using it and getting a proper idea of the stats of my game.

Here is a link to the GAME GOLF website. You can create a user and follow people on there (myself included [Clayton Landells]) and see how they are playing.

Peter Finch and Rick Shiels did a video review at Worsley Park showing how to use it (Playlist below) and you can follow them on GAME GOLF too.

It's a little bit expensive, but nothing compared to a new driver!

I can't wait to give it a go and will let you know how I get on.

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