Friday 22 November 2013

TORC Swingtrainer

I managed to get a TORC Swingtrainer from @TorcGolf on twitter to have a play with and try to improve my golf. I've been getting smashed at work lately and haven't really had a chance to test out my initial results yet but my swing 'feels' better and I think my timing, swing path and club head speed have improved. The acid test will be my round of golf tomorrow (in about 2 degress celcius).
This is what Hank Haney said about it:

He has a few more videos going through the uses and benefits on the TorcGolf website

The weight attaches to the shaft of the club really easily and can be moved around to help you work on different aspects of your swing. The hosel position helps to increase swing speed and gives me a feel for the correct point for the club to be at it's fastest. The hosel position helps to release the club better and the balance point has really helped me to get a feel for a better swing path. I have been a notorious 'caster' and this little weight has really helped me to feel the lag or delay in my hands a lot better. I'm also looking forward to using it an a pre-round warm up tomorrow.

This photo isn't part of a swing, just posing as it always turned out to blurry!
Have a look at 
It's well worth it.